MRF-300 Manual.qxd 12:40 PM MRF-300 BASE STATION Step 4 - Connect the Power Supply to the MRF-300. When connecting to a components rear panel IR Input, cut the flasher off of the wire, strip the two conductors and connect to the rear panel IR Input.The MRF-300 is only compatible with standard IR Inputs, not proprietary control systems such as Control S. Silver colored conductor is IR DATA (Tip of the Plug). MRF-300 Manual.qxd 12:40 PM MRF-300 BASE STATION Copper colored conductor is GROUND (Sleeve of the Plug). Front Blaster will be OFF and all IR line outputs are set to ALL). Accepts RF signals from any 418MHZ remote control regardless of the address set when programming the remote control. If you leave it set to ID# 0, the MRF-300 operates with some restrictions: a. MRF-300 Manual.qxd 12:40 PM MRF-300 BASE STATION Installation Step 1 - Set the RF ID # rotary switch on the bottom of the MRF-300 to a VALID ID# (any address other than ID# 0). Simply relocate the RFX-150 out of the interference or reduce the range to eliminate interference via the RF Range adjust screw.

The RFX-150 displays RF interference via a bright RED LED, which flickers when interference is present. MRF-300 Manual.qxd 12:40 PM MRF-300 BASE STATION Features and Benefits Interference Rejection and Adjustable RF Range via RFX-150 The MRF-300 receives RF (radio frequency) signals via the RFX-150 RF Sensor. RF Addressing gives you the ability to control as many as 90 identical components throughout a house. It is only compatible with Universal Remote Control’s line of Custom Programmed Remotes with RF Addressing such as the MX-3000, the MX-950 Aurora, the MX-850 Aeros, the MX-800, MX-650 Omega and the MX-350 Osiris. MRF-300 Manual.qxd 12:40 PM MRF-300 BASE STATION Introduction The MRF-300 base station is an “addressable” base station.
The information in this manual may be subject to change without prior notice. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR OPERATIONAL,TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS/OMISSIONS MADE IN THIS MANUAL.

No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Universal Remote Control, Inc. The information in this manual is copyright protected. MRF-300 Manual.qxd 12:40 PM MRF-300 Installation Manual ©2005 Universal Remote Control, Inc. Good luck and hope some of this helps.MRF-300 Manual.qxd 12:40 PM MRF-300/RFX150 INSTALLATION MANUAL Multi-Zone RF Base Station for the MX-3000, the AuroraTM, the AerosTM, the Omega TM and the OsirisTM remote controls. A 2 transistor amp is all you truly need. Check the forums for one of these as well. At any rate, I still would go with an external amp. They are selling the rfx85hd units for about $60 dollars. Not sure how reliable of a place they are. Also I did see a place selling the RFX 85HD units. A lot of people go lower with the dead key, but the internal diagnostics of the radio itself start to act funny if you do this. On AM you'll get about 6-8 watts pep out of the 980 with a 2 watt dead key. Leave SSB at the stock power levels of 10-12 watts and you'll be fine. You'll need to turn the dead key or carrier down on your radio to as little as 2 watts max. Not sure what radio you are using, but the uniden 980 CB/SSB radio works very well with this amp as a combo for about 75-100 watts of power. You might just be better off getting an RM Italy KL203P and add a fan to it.